Friday, February 18, 2011

Winner, Winner, Chicken Dinner!

Boy am I one proud Mama!! Thursday of this week, Linda (my boss) suggested that I enter Harley in the "Make My Doggie Famous" contest on Facebook. The contest began last Friday, the 11Th and ended last night. We entered the competition the DAY before the contest was over. At the time, the leaders were already 60+ points ahead of Harley and there was only about 24 hours left in the competition... :. She started strong getting about 30 votes within the first hour of having her picture up...I still didn't think she was gonna be able to pull it through. We were trying to get anybody to vote and at this point I was just telling some of my close friends and so were the other ladies in my office. By the end of the day harley had rested at about 40 votes and Stella (the goldendoodle) had bumped up A LOT!

The next morning Harley still trailed by about 40ish votes and I just knew that there wasn't a way for her to come back Stella and Dodger who were steadily climbing to 100 votes!!! By the end of the work day Har was up to about 95 votes and Stella and Dodger were tied at 119 votes. It seemed like every time she would catch up they would magically jump 30-40 votes ahead! There was about 4 hours left in the competition and I was already preparing for a loss :(!

When I got home, I was sitting there thinking "WE CAN DO THIS" I asked Harley "do you reallly want to win?" and of course she just looked at me like "UH YEA!"....I decided to get settled in at the bar and start stalking some people on my facebook chat. I prepared a little speech that I copy and pasted to some went a little something like this:

HEYY (insert name) my dog Harley is in a competition
and she has the CUTEST PICTURE of all
it would be great if you could vote for her...blah blah
I had a few friends that were doing the same on their face book chats and I also stalked my sister's chat too (thanks Han)!! Before I knew it, Harley had 102 VOTES! I was STOKED!! I was jumping up and down, showing the votes to Har and couldn't stop giggling!!! ...keep in mind, it's just me there at the house..hope the neighbors weren't watching :) Anyway, so Brandon gets home and I'm glued to the computer, she's getting more and more votes by the minute! My heart is racing fast and my chest is all splotchy because I am a nervous wreck. Here I am thinking my baby is gonna be a 3rd place beauty and she IS NOW TIED WITH THE LEADER! 125-125! I WAS ECSTATIC!!!!! There were people from different STATES voting for Harley!! Friends were telling friends; the word was finally getting around!!
We had planned a game night with Louis so he came over and we were playing Phase 10 (I could barley concentrate). Next thing I know Harley was A H E A D by like 10 VOTES! I thought I was going to pee my pants!!!! It only got better from there. I would refresh the page every couple of seconds and her votes just kept going and going! Before long Harley had a lead of 180-133! There was about an hour left of the competition and the votes were still coming!! Harley ended up TAKING it home and becoming the winner with 199 VOTES!!!!!! I was so excited and she was too (asleep, naturally). By this time Brandon was tired of hearing my phone go off constantly and most def tired of my squealing and jumping up and down!!! OH and i lost phase 10 too lol.
Harley would like to thank the Academy for nominating her...NO really thank you to everyone who helped out!!!! There were so many of you that really took this as serious as I did and I really appreciate it!!! We love you all!!
Jett and Monkey Dog Shoppe was the host of the competition, they have a dog shop in IOWA! Who knew a Bama chick would come in to win!! They have a really cool store and I suggest visiting their website and check it all out!

This is the winning photograph of Harley!!
-photographed by Belinda Steele, my talented mother

waiting to see who the winner will be...sorry about the quality it's from my cell

...she really was excited! I promise!


And lastly, this is what the prize is!
She gets to have her beautiful picture on Real Dogs dog treat bags!
We couldn't be more happy that we have a winner in the family! Thanks again to everyone for your help!!!
B, Amy and Harley!

1 comment:

  1. So I am a MILLION years behind on my blog and i swear to catch up but OMG this is sooooooooooo freaking exciting about Harley!!!!!! I'm sorry I didn't vote but I couldn't be more proud of that sweet girl and all the people that get to see her face on those bags!!! I hope you bought a thousand of them! hahaha miss you guys!
